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​​Moshannon State Forest

Moshannon State Forest derives its name from “Moss-hanne,” or “moose stream,” the Native-American description of the waterway that runs through the area.

The forest totals 190,031 acres on the Allegheny Plateau.

Small tracts of the forest are found in Cameron and Clinton counties; however, most of the forest land lies in:

  • Clearfield County
  • Elk County
  • Centre County

Moshannon State Forest is one of eight state forests located in the Pennsy​lvania Wilds region.

Moshannon State Forest lies within the transition zone between the northern hardwood and Allegheny hardwood forests to the north and the mixed oaks and oak-hickory forests to the south.

Moshannon State Forest Management

The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Bureau of Forestry manages our state forests for their long-term health and productivity while conserving native wild plants.

These forests are managed as “working forests” and provide a suite of uses and values to Pennsylvania citizens, while maintaining the forest’s wild character.

Our state forests are managed for:

  • Pure water
  • Recreation
  • Scenic beauty
  • Plant and animal habitat
  • Sustainable timber and natural gas
  • Many other uses and values

The management of our state forests is guided by the State Forest Resource Management Plan.

Moshannon State Forest Resource Management Plan

A district-level state forest management plan is written for each of the bureau’s 20 forest districts across the state.

Using public input and building on the statewide 2016 management plan, the Bureau of Forestry revised and completed a new Moshannon State Forest Resource Management Plan (PDF) setting district-level management priorities.

2024 Management Activities

The Moshannon State Forest 2024 Management Activities (PDF) provides information about upcoming projects and events to implement the State Forest Resource Management Plan.

Harvest Schedule

Local state forest harvest schedules promote and maintain desired forest landscape conditions while providing a sustainable flow of forest products.

Ecosystem Management

The Bureau of Forestry has adopted “ecosystem management” as its principal strategy for managing state forests. This approach seeks to conserve the natural patterns and processes of the forest while advancing long-term sustainability.

Ecosystem management promotes the conservation of plant and animal communities and the landscapes and habitats that support them. It also accounts for needs and values of people and communities.

This results in a holistic, integrated approach to managing forest resources.

A Working Forest

As you travel throughout the state forest, you’ll see examples of our forests “at work.” Some of these management practices are more noticeable than others, such as:

  • Active timber harvests
  • Deer exclosure fences
  • Natural gas drilling sites
  • Prescribed fires
  • Spongy moth (formerly known as Gypsy moth) spraying

Others are more subtle, such as the:

  • Protection of a vernal pool
  • Buffering of a stream from timber harvesting
  • Setting aside of a special area to conserve its wild character or protect a rare plant community

Each of these management practices and activities play a vital role in the management and conservation of our state forest system.

Dual Certified Forest

Pennsylvania’s 2.2-million-acre state forest system is one of the largest dual certified forests in North America. The forest is certified under Forest Stewardship Council™ and Sustainable Forestry Initiative© standards.

The Forest Stewardship Council™ is an independent organization supporting environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable management of the world’s forests.

Sustainable Forestry Initiative©​ certification focuses on protection of water quality, biodiversity, wildlife habitat, species at risk, and forests with exceptional conservation value.

Dual certification ensures that Pennsylvania’s state forests are managed to the highest third-party standards.​

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​Explore Moshannon State Forest

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Moshannon State Forest